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Jack Thomas's articles on arXiv
We study the polynomial approximation of symmetric multivariate functions and of multi-set functions. Specifically, we consider $f(x_1, \dots, x_N)$, where $x_i \in \mathbb{R}^d$, and $f$ is invariant under permutations of its $N$ arguments. We demonstrate how these symmetries can be exploited to improve the cost versus error ratio in a polynomial approximation of the function $f$, and in particular study the dependence of that ratio on $d, N$ and the polynomial degree. These results are then used to construct approximations and prove approximation rates for functions defined on multi-sets where $N$ becomes a parameter of the input.
We show that the local density of states (LDOS) of a wide class of tight-binding models has a weak body-order expansion. Specifically, we prove that the resulting body-order expansion for analytic observables such as the electron density or the energy has an exponential rate of convergence both at finite Fermi-temperature as well as for insulators at zero Fermi-temperature. We discuss potential consequences of this observation for modelling the potential energy landscape, as well as for solving the electronic structure problem.
A key starting assumption in many classical interatomic potential models for materials is a site energy decomposition of the potential energy surface into contributions that only depend on a small neighbourhood. Under a natural stability condition, we construct such a spatial decomposition for self-consistent tight binding models, extending recent results for linear tight binding models to the non-linear setting.