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Communication and Raising Issues

For further details and information on this topic, current students and staff may use the >> Handbook <<

Support and Pastoral Care

Your supervisor will be your first point of contact for most academic problems that you may have (although you should consult the lecturer for advice on individual lecture courses). It is the role of the supervisor to help you and you should always respond to invitations to see him/her. The supervisor can help you more effectively if they know how you are progressing, so you will be asked to see them regularly. They will endeavour to give guidance on general matters and such personal matters as you feel able to discuss with them. The Maths CDT Administrator and the Postgraduate Coordinator can also assist with more general matters. You can also be referred onto more professional confidential advice, typically through the Senior Tutor's Office to which you also have direct access ( see ). You can also contact the University Counselling Service directly, see .

Finally, if you need help of any sort don't hesitate to ask! If your question cannot be answered by the person you ask, they will be happy to steer you towards the person who can.

 Staff Graduate Student Liaison Committee (SGSLC)

The Mathematics Staff-Graduate Student Liaison Committee (SGSLC) is a forum for mathematics graduate students and staff to discuss issues of learning, teaching and student support. It provides an avenue for graduate students to raise concerns, as well as a way for staff to receive feedback on proposed changes. It meets on a termly basis.

For the date of the next meeting and further information see Mathematics SGSLC. All postgraduate students are welcome.

See the Student Union web-site for further University-level information .

 Postgraduate Seminar

Postgraduate seminars are held in the Department during term time on Wednesdays 12-1pm with lunch organised for afterwards.

 Personal Web Page

New postgraduate research students are required to maintain a personal web-page. A blank page is provided on the Mathematics Staff and Postgraduate web-page for your use. If you wish to link an existing page, please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator in the first instance.

 Personal Details and email accounts

It is the student’s responsibility to inform the Postgraduate Coordinator of any changes in contact details (namely address, phone number, emergency contacts). Without these we will be unable to contact you or forward any relevant material. We strongly advise students to make corrections via Mywarwick, as well. E-mail is usually the main way of contacting all students. You are therefore required to check their University e-mail account at least once every working day, unless this is impossible due to down times of the University’s IT system. It will be assumed that any message is received within 24 hours of being sent. Students are responsible for liaising with IT services about their University e-mail account and user code if this is necessary. Students have to ensure that their University alias (e.g: A dot N dot Other at warwick dot ac dot uk) always points to their current user account (e.g: masxxx or U1234567). Students are responsible for keeping the Postgraduate Coordinator informed of their current IT user codes and also if there are any problems with the University e-mail account so that provision can be made.