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Turing Institute CDT Conference

The Alan Turing Institute is hosting its 2nd annual CDT Conference, on Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 November 2023 in Edgbaston, Birmingham.

The event is targeted at current PhD students enrolled with Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) and aims to:

  • establish new and enhance existing student-student connections across the CDT landscape
  • expose attendees to topics and people to support career development
  • improve awareness of diversity and representation challenges across AI and data science

African-European Masterclasses in AI and Computational Thinking

Through Prof Ola Uthman in the Warwick Medical School and his work on the application of AI to public health, Warwick is part of a consortium of African and European universities working on

Addressing Global and African Challenges through Methods from Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Theoretical and Computational Thinking

(Africa Europe Cluster of Research Excellence)Link opens in a new window

The group is organising a series of masterclasses on a range of different subjects. The first is next week is on 'Data Science and Modelling of Football' and open to all Warwick postgrads.

Fri 27 Oct 2023, 15:44 | Tags: Training, Interdisciplinary Research, Careers, Programming

Career talks organised by the department

Tue 17 Oct 3-4pm, Social Sciences SO.11: Mathematics in the investment management industry
Book a place at

Wed 18 Oct 3-4pm (online): Data and analytics in the retail industry
Book a place at

Thu 19 Oct 2-3pm, Social Sciences SO.21: A career as an actuary with Deloitte
Book a place at

Wed 11 Oct 2023, 12:05 | Tags: Careers

Postgraduate Research Conference Grants by the LMS

The London Mathematical Society (LMS) can provide partial support for conferences aimed as postgraduate researchers.

Applicants don't have to be members, though membership is beneficial also for other reasons (have a look at their website).

Thu 28 Sep 2023, 17:02 | Tags: Funding, Professional Societies, Conferences/Workshops

PGCTSS Transferable Skills Modules and Courses on Offer in Term 1 for final year students and Post Doctoral Researchers

There is availability on the following course:

If you are a PhD student please book your place through SkillsForge if you are a Post Doctoral Researcher please email directly if you are interested in attending.

Mon 25 Sep 2023, 07:58 | Tags: Training, Careers

Observatory for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT (ORBIT)

The Observatory for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT (ORBIT) will be delivering a training session at Warwick on Foundations in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

Venue: Radcliffe Conference Centre

Date: This course will be run from 9am-5pm on Wednesday 8 November 2023.


Mon 11 Sep 2023, 10:57 | Tags: Training, Careers

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