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Speaking with Style

Module leader: Björn Stinner

Terms: 2 and 3 in 2023/24

Commitment: up to 7 sessions

oral presentation for progression from MPhil to PhD,
portfolio (see module handbook, *.pdfLink opens in a new window, *.docxLink opens in a new window, for details) for the certificate (see below)

Prerequisites: None

Leads to: This module can count towards the Postgraduate Certificate in Transferable Skills in Science (PGCTSS).Link opens in a new window
For this purpose, the assessment outlined in the module handbook has to be addressed. The required portfolio consists of three items:

  • Summary of key learning elements:
    Write a summary of the key learning points (300 words / half a page) that you have taken away from the theory sessions on good talks and the use of media.
  • Seminar report:
    Report on a seminar that you attended with a focus on the presentation style and how it supported (or rather did not support) the content (300-500 words / a half to a full page).
  • Own presentation:
    Reflecting on an own presentation, write a short report (200 words) on how successful the presentation was or what you would do differently if you had to give it again.

Aims: The ability to communicate facts and findings to fellow mathematicians is an essential skill for a research mathematician. A very common way is by oral presentation at conferences, workshops, and seminars. This module serves to prepare PhD students to confidently give talks on mathematical topics and to effectively communicate their results and insight in a research environment.

The principal aim of this module is to enhance the ability of first-year PhD students to orally present a substantial piece of mathematics in a clear, concise, and lively fashion.

Learning outcomes: At the end of this module students

  • will have seen and reflected on numerous presentations on mathematical topics,
  • will have gained experience in giving presentations,
  • will be more confident using different techniques and media for dissemination.