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G103 Mathematics (MMath) Year 2

Other than the content under the last heading above, this page is for students who commenced their programme of study since (and including) academic year 2022/23.

Note that all modules listed below are those running in academic year 2024/25. The modules listed here did not necessarily run in previous academic years and there may also be changes to the modules listed in future academic years.

Information for students who began their programme of study in (and including) academic year 21/22 or earlier.


The minimum and normal load is 120 CATS.

The maximum load is 150 CATS.

  1. Students must take all of the seven Core Modules (totalling to 75 CATS, note that MA263 and MA266 are Core for G103, unlike for G100).
  2. Take at least another 20 CATS of modules from List A
  3. Then students must choose an appropriate number of Optional Modules/Unusual Options to meet the minimum load.

Students may choose to take additional Optional Modules/Unusual Options modules to increase their load above 120 CATS. Note that choice of Unusual Options is subject to some restrictions.

For information about what is required to proceed to year 3, see Requirements for Progression further down this page.

Core Modules

The teaching term shown is for information only and does not form part of the official course regulations. Variations observed on the module pages and / or university timetable should be considered to be a more definitive source of information.







Methods of Mathematical Modelling 3



This module has a new curriculum for 24/25 which is based on the 23/24 version of MA250 Introduction to PDEs. As such MA250 is not available to maths students who are second years from 24/25 onwards.

Note that students who took MA265 during 23/24 followed a different curriculum which can be found here:

23/24 Curriculum: Methods of Mathematical Modelling 3


Analysis 3





Algebra 3





Scientific Communication





Norms, Metrics and Topologies





Multivariable Analysis



For clarity, this is Core for G103 (but Optional Core for G100)


Multilinear Algebra



For clarity, this is Core for G103 (but Optional Core for G100)

Note that there are no Required Core modules for G103 students in year 2.

Optional Modules

Your selection of optional modules is extremely important. You must ensure

  • you meet the regulations for your degree programme
  • you take modules which may be prerequisites for other modules you wish to take later on in your degree programme

  • you take modules which are required if you are considering transferring to another degree programme

  • you follow any special procedures for registering for certain modules, including for Unusual Options.

G103 Year 2 Option List A

G103 Y2 List A Term Code Module CATS List Notes
Maths Modules Term 1 MA241 Combinatorics 10 List A  
Term 1 MA243 Geometry 10 List A  
Term 1 MA256 Introduction to Mathematical Biology 10 List A  

Term 2

MA252 Combinatorial Optimization 10 List A  

Term 2

MA254 Theory of ODEs 10 List A  

Term 2

MA257 Introduction to Number Theory 10 List A  
Term 2 MA269 Asymptotics and Integral Transforms 10 List A  

Term 2

MA2K4 Numerical Methods and Computing 10 List A  

Statistics Modules,
further advice

Term 1 ST232 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 15 List A  
Term 2 ST227 Stochastic Processes 10 List A  

G103 Year 2 Option List B

G103 Y2 List B
Term Code Module CATS Notes
Maths Modules Term 2 MA117 Programming for Scientists 10  

Statistics Modules,
further advice

Term 1 ST234 Games and Decisions 10  
Economics Modules, further advice Term 1 EC220 Mathematics Economics 1A 15

To do either of these modules you must have already taken EC106 or EC107

If you wish to take certain EC3xx modules (as a non-GL11 student) then you must take both EC106 in year 1 and either EC220 or EC204 in year 2. You are advised to check Economics prerequisites.

Term 2 EC221 Mathematical Economics 1B 15
Computer Science Modules, further advice Term 1 CS260 Algorithms 15  
Term 2 CS254 Algorithmic Graph Theory 15  
  CS262 Logic and Verification 15  

Physics Modules,
further advice

Term 1 PX286 Methods of Mathematical Physics 10  
Terms 1&2 PX262 Quantum Mechanics and its Applications 15  
PX280 Environmental Physics 15  
PX282 Stars and the Solar System 15  
PX281 Computational Physics 15  
PX285 Hamiltonian and Fluid Mechanics 15  
Term 1,2&3 PX284 Statistical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory and Optics 15  
Philosophy Modules, special registration procedures apply, further advice Term 1 PH210 Logic II: Metatheory 15  
Term 2 PH342 Philosophy of Maths 15  
WBS Modules, special registration procedures apply, further advice Term 1 IB207 Mathematical Programming II 10  
Term 1 IB2D3 Accounting in Practice 15  
Term 2 IB2D9 Finance in Practice 15

Note that, for G1NC only, IB2D9 is Core and so this modules is not in List B for Year 2 G1NC students.

Centre for Teaching Education Modules, further advice

Term 2 EP304 Introduction to Secondary Maths Teaching 15 The 15 CAT module does not involve a school placement.
  EP304 Introduction to Secondary Maths Education 30 The 30 CAT modules involves either a school placement or creating learning resources for secondary age students.

You should check the Module from Other Departments page for information about any special procedures that must be followed to register for a module and for further advice.

Any modules not listed as Core or List A or List B are classed as Unusual Options and permission to take these modules must be obtained with a completed Unusual Option form submitted to the support office by the specified deadline.

It is not permitted to take more than 30 CATS of Unusual Options from any single department in any single academic year.

Unusual options count towards your load but they do not count, under any circumstances, towards CATS requirements described in the course regulations where these regulations refer to Core Modules, Optional Core Modules, or letter Lists (e.g. List A, List B etc.).

Further information about Unusual Options, including restrictions and deadlines can be found in the Unusual Options section of the handbook.

Common Unusual Options

Note that there is information about Language Centre Modules, Engineering Department Modules, Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) Modules and Global Sustainable Development (GSD) Modules on the Module Guidance for Maths Students page.

Exams and Assessment

Term 1 modules are all examined in the April exam period directly after the Easter Vacation and the others in the Summer exam period. In general 10 CAT modules have two hour exams.

Outcomes and Progression

Second Year Learning Outcomes

After completing the second year students will have:

  • covered the foundational core;
  • had the opportunity to follow options which build on their core knowledge;
  • acquired sufficient knowledge and understanding to be in a position to make an informed choice of options in their final years.

Requirements for Progression

In order to progress to the third year of the G103 degree programme, you must:

  1. Have taken modules in accordance with the description under the heading Loading/Requirements at the top of this page.
  2. achieve a weighted average on your best 70 CATS of Maths modules from Core and List A, but excluding MA262 Scientific Communication, of 65.0% or above. If you take fewer than 70 CATS of such modules (for example if you take both of the Statistics modules in List A and no others then you would only have 60 CATS of such modules), the average is taken over the MA2 modules that have been taken, and the overall mark profile is considered, including the other List A modules taken, to make a progression decision on a case by case basis.
  3. Have an overall year mark of 40 percent or above.
  4. Pass at least 90 CATS of whole modules.

If you satisfy 1, 3 and 4 of the above but not 2. then you will be transferred to the G100 course, and start year 3 of G100 the following October.

Notes: The thinking behind 2. above is that if you are scoring less than 65% on your best maths modules then you would struggle on the four year degree (in particular MA4 modules) and are much better off on the three year BSc degree where you can choose modules during year 3 to maximise your final degree classification. The three year Warwick Maths BSc. is still a highly valued and much sought after qualification.

3rd year BSc students who were not/would not have been allowed to stay on the MMath are not permitted to take MA4 modules as an unusual option.

Second year examination boards - possible outcomes

The possible decisions from the summer Second Year Examination Board for students taking modules for the first time are

  • proceed to year 3 of G103, if the Requirements for Progression above are met.
  • else proceed to year 3 of G100 if the Requirements for Progression above are met with the exception of 2.
  • else take required resits in September, these will be chosen by the Exam Board so that if they are passed the requirements to proceed to year 3 of G100 (i.e. 1, 2 and 4 under Requirements for Progression) will be met.

The possible outcomes for the September Examination Board, where resit marks are considered alongside original marks are

  • proceed to year 3 of G100, if 1, 2 and 4 under Requirements for Progression above are now met
  • else take required resits at the next available opportunity, this would only be the case for a module if a student's most recent attempt was considered to be a first attempt for that module (due to mitigation or deferral of exams for example), or if there is specific suitable mitigation which applies to one or more of the resits taken
  • else be required to withdraw, in which case the student will be offered an Exit Award if possible.

Note that it is quite common for students to be out of phase with this sequence due to deferring their exams, temporary withdrawal, mitigation allowing resits to be taken as Further First Attempts (which would allow for a further capped resit) and so on. In these cases students are considered at the next available Second Year Examination Board.

Note also that all students whose degree programme started in 21/22 or later have the Right to Remedy Failure in the next available exams following first attempts at modules in which they score less than the pass mark.

Students who commenced their programme of study before (and including) 2021/22

For students who commenced studies before (and including) academic year 2021/22 second year departmental regulations can be found archived here. The appropriate Integrated Masters university regulations can be found here