Other than the content under the last heading above, this page is for students who commenced their programme of study since (and including) academic year 2021/22.
Note that all modules listed below are those running in academic year 2024/25. The modules listed here did not necessarily run in previous academic years and there may also be changes to the modules listed in future academic years.
The minimum and normal load is 120 CATS.
The maximum load is 150 CATS.
Please read the below very carefully, the requirements are quite intricate and affect module decisions in both year 3 and year 4
Students are required to take:
During year 3, at least 90 CATS from G103 Year 3 List A and List C, including at least 75 CATS of modules worth 15 CATS with codes beginning MA3, MA4 or ST318.
- Although it is not a requirement to take any List C modules in the third year, note that G103 students must take, in their third and fourth years combined, at least 75 CATS from List C including at least 60 CATS of modules with code MA4XX or ST403. With the inclusion of MA4K8/MA4K9 which is Core for G103 in year 4, this will give at least 105 CATS of modules at FHEQ Level 7 (with codes of type xx4xx) over years 3 and 4 combined.
- Those students who began their programme of study in 22/23 or later must, in addition, to satisfy University regulations, take a total of at least 120 CATS of FHEQ Level 7 modules (codes with type xx4xx) in years 3 and 4 combined, although these do not all have to come from List C. This requirement does not apply to those students who began their programme of study in 21/22 or earlier.
- Furthermore to satisfy University regulations, third year G103 students must take at least 90 CATS of FHEQ Level 6 or above (xx3xx, xx4xx) modules during their third year and must pass at least 90 CATS of these.
- Students must pass at least 90 CATS of FHEQ level 7 modules over their course of their programme (not just in year 4).
Third year students obtaining an end of year average (with adjustment where there is over-catting) of less than 55% or less than 55% in their best 90 CATS of List A and List C modules, will normally be considered for the award of a BSc. and not permitted to continue into the 4th year.
Third Year G103 students will need to take sufficiently many 15 CATS modules from G103 List A to ensure they meet prerequisites and have sufficient background knowledge for their choice of G103 Year 3/4 List C modules. Think ahead!
Core Modules
There are no Core Modules (or indeed Required Core Modules) for year 3 of G103.
Optional Modules
Your selection of optional modules is extremely important. You must ensure
- you meet the regulations for your degree programme
you take modules which may be prerequisites for other modules you wish to take later on in your degree programme
you take modules which are required if you are considering transferring to another degree programme
you follow any special procedures for registering for certain modules, including for Unusual Options.
G103 Year 3 Option List A
G103 Y3 List A |
Term | Code | Name | CATS | Notes |
Maths Modules | Term 1 | MA341 | Combinatorics | 10 | These modules cannot be taken in Year 4 by G103 students and you cannot take them if you previously took the MA2 version. |
Term 1 | MA343 | Geometry | 10 | ||
Term 1 | MA350 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | 10 | ||
Term 1 | MA356 | Introduction to Mathematical Biology | 10 | ||
Term 1 | MA359 | Measure Theory | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA390 | Topics in Mathematical Biology | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA398 | Matrix Analysis & Algorithms | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3A6 | Algebraic Number Theory | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3B8 | Complex Analysis | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3D5 | Galois Theory | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3F1 | Introduction to Topology | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3G6 | Commutative Algebra | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3G7 | Functional Analysis I | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3H3 | Set Theory | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3H5 | Manifolds | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3J4 | Mathematical Modelling with PDEs | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3J8 | Approximation Theory and Applications | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3K4 | Introduction to Group Theory | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3K6 | Boolean Functions | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3K9 | Mathematics of Digital Signal Processing | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3L2 | Optimisation | 15 | ||
Term 1 | MA3L3 | Communicating Mathematics | 15 | There is a special registration procedure for this module. | |
Terms 1 & 2 | MA372 | Reading Module | 15 | ||
Terms 1& 2 | MA395 | Third Year Essay | 15 | This cannot be taken in year 4 by G103 students. | |
Term 2 | MA2K4 | Numerical Methods and Computing | 10 | These modules cannot be taken in year 4 by G103 students and you cannot take any of the MA3 modules here if you took the MA2 version previously. | |
Term 2 | MA352 | Combinatorial Optimisation | 10 | ||
Term 2 | MA354 | Introduction to ODEs | 10 | ||
Term 2 | MA357 | Introduction to Number Theory | 10 | ||
Term 2 | MA369 | Asymptotics and Integral Transforms | 10 | ||
Term 2 | MA377 | Rings and Modules | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3D1 | Fluid Dynamics | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3D4 | Fractal Geometry | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3D9 | Geometry of Curves & Surfaces | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3E1 | Groups & Representations | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3G1 | Theory of Partial Differential Equations | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3G8 | Functional Analysis II | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3H0 | Numerical Analysis & PDEs | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3H2 | Markov Processes and Percolation Theory | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3H6 | Algebraic Topology | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3H7 | Control Theory | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3J2 | Combinatorics II | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3K0 | High-Dimensional Probability | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3K1 | Mathematics of Machine Learning | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3K8 | Variational Principles, Symmetry and Conservation Laws | 15 | ||
Term 2 | MA3L1 | Topics in Set Theory | 15 | ||
Statistics Module, further advice | Term 2 | ST318 | Probability Theory | 15 |
G103 Year 3 Option List B
G103 Year 3 Option List C
This list is identical to G103 Year 4 Option List C which can be seen on the G103 Year 4 Specifications page.
An asterix (*) next to the module name below denotes those modules particularly suitable for 3rd year MMath students to consider taking.
You should check the Module from Other Departments page for information about any special procedures that must be followed to register for a module and for further advice.
Any modules not listed as G103 Year 3 Option List A, G103 Year 3 Option List B or G103 Year 3 Option List C are classed as Unusual Options and permission to take these modules must be obtained with a completed Unusual Option form submitted to the support office by the specified deadline.
It is not permitted to take more than 30 CATS of Unusual Options from any given department in any given year.
Unusual Options count towards your load but they do not count, under any circumstances, towards CATS requirements described in the course regulations where these regulations refer to Core Modules, Optional Core Modules, or letter Lists (e.g. List A, List B etc).
Further information about Unusual Options, including restrictions and deadlines can be found in the Unusual Options section of the handbook.
Common Unusual Options
Note that there is information about Language Centre Modules, Engineering Department Modules, Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) Modules and Global Sustainable Development (GSD) Modules, all of which must be taken as Unusual Options on the Module Guidance for Maths Students page.
Outcomes and Progression
Third Year Learning Outcomes
After completing the third year of G103 students will have
- covered advanced material in mathematics, and studied some of it in depth
- achieved a level of mathematical maturity which has progressed from the skills expected in school mathematics to the understanding of abstract ideas and their applications
- developed
- investigative and analytical skills,
- the ability to formulate and solve concrete and abstract problems in a precise way, and
- the ability to present precise logical arguments
- been given the opportunity to develop other interests by taking options outside the Mathematics Department in all the years of their degree course.
Requirements for Progression
To progress from year 3 of G103 to year 4 of G103, students must
1. Pass 90 CATS of modules at FHEQ level 6 or above (i.e. generally with code xx3xx or xx4xx).
2. Have a year average mark of no less than 55% and an average of no less than 55% in the best 90 CATS of modules from the union of G103 Year 3 Option List A and G103 Year Option List C.
If you do not meet the above requirements and you have no possibility of meeting them via any resits you are entitled to take then you will be considered for the award of BSc Mathematics under the Requirement for Award on the G100 Year 3 Regulations page.
Third year examination boards - possible outcomes
The possible decisions from the summer Third Year Examination Board for students taking modules for the first time are
- proceed to year 4 of G103, if the Requirements for Progression above are met.
- else graduate with BSc if 1. in the Requirements for Progression above is met and the overall mean for the three years of study (using the G100 yearly weightings) is at least 40%
- take required resits in September, these will be chosen by the Exam Board so that if they are passed the requirements to be awarded either BSc Mathematic or a Pass degree will be met.
Note that if there is suitable mitigation then the Board can require resits such that, if suitable marks are obtained then progression to year 4 of G103 is possible, the below assumes that resits have been taken without any mitigation.
The possible outcomes for the September Examination Board, where resit marks are considered alongside original marks are
- graduate with a BSc Honours degree if 1. in the Requirements for Progression above is met and the overall mean for the three years of study (using the G100 yearly weightings) is at least 40%.
- else graduate with a Pass degree if 60 CATS of modules at FHEQ Level 6 or above are passed and the overall mean for the three years of study (using the G100 weightings) is at least 35%.
- required resits at the next available opportunity, this would only be the case for a module if a student's most recent attempt was considered to be a first attempt for that module (due to mitigation or deferral of exams for example), or if there is specific suitable mitigation which applies to one or more of the resits taken.
- else, the student will be offered an Exit Award if possible.
Note that it is quite common for students to be out of phase with this sequence due to deferring their exams, temporary withdrawal, mitigation allowing resits to be taken as Further First Attempts (which would allow for a further capped resit) and so on. In these cases students are considered at the next available Third Year Examination Board.
Note also that all students whose degree programme started in 21/22 or later have the Right to Remedy Failure in the next available exams following first attempts at modules in which they score less than the pass mark.
Students who commenced their programme of study before (and including) academic year 2020/21
For students whose G103 Programme began in academic year 2020/21 are the main requirements for progression from year 3 to year 4 are as follows, but see University Integrated Masters Regs for the university regulations that will be applied.
1. Pass 60 CATS of modules.
2. Have an overall mean for the year of at least 40%.
3. Have a year average mark of no less than 55% or an average of no less than 55% in the best 90 CATS of modules from the union of G103 Year 3 Option List A and G103 Year Option List C.