Matteo Barucco
Matteo Barucco
PhD student in Mathematics
Supervisor: Prof. John P. C. GreenleesLink opens in a new window
Office: B3.04 Zeeman
About me
I am a final year PhD student in Algebraic Topology under the supervision of Prof. John P. C. GreenleesLink opens in a new window. I come from Brescia (Italy), and I was enrolled as ordinary student in math at Scuola Normale SuperioreLink opens in a new window and hence University of PisaLink opens in a new window, where in 2017 I got my Master degree with a thesis in Algebraic Topology entitled "Homological Instability in Pre-Braided Homogeneous categoriesLink opens in a new window", under the supervision of Prof. Nathalie WahlLink opens in a new window, and Prof. Filippo CallegaroLink opens in a new window.
Research Interests 
My current research interests lie in Rational Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory. In particular I'm interested in algebraic models for Rational Equivariant elliptic Cohomology Theories, which are particular equivariant cohomology theories associated to Elliptic curves.
- An algebraic model for rational T^2-equivariant elliptic cohomology.Link opens in a new window
- Markov's TheoremLink opens in a new window.
- Homological Instability in Pre-Braided Homogeneous categories.Link opens in a new window (Master)
- Mapping Class Group: generators and presentationLink opens in a new window. (Bachelor)
Teaching assistant 2021/2022
Teaching assistant 2020/2021
- MA251 Algebra 1 (Non math students).
- MA3E1 Groups and representations
Seminars 2021/2022
Past notes of seminar and reading groups
- Reading group on Infinity Categories. (2020/2021)
- 2019/2020: Reading group on Topological Hochschild Homology (THH) and Topological Cyclic Homology (TC). Here some personal notes of the talks: Oct 9Link opens in a new window, Oct 16Link opens in a new window, Oct 23Link opens in a new window, Oct 30Link opens in a new window, Nov 6Link opens in a new window, Nov 13Link opens in a new window, Nov 27Link opens in a new window, Dec 4.
- 2019/2020: Introduction to Algebraic K-Theory: Lectures by Marco SchlichtingLink opens in a new window. Here some personal notes of mine if you need to catch up: Lecture 1Link opens in a new window, Lecture 2Link opens in a new window, Lecture 3Link opens in a new window, Lecture 4Link opens in a new window, Lecture 5Link opens in a new window, Lecture 6Link opens in a new window, Lecture 7Link opens in a new window, Lecture 8Link opens in a new window, Lecture 9Link opens in a new window, Lecture 10.