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Seminar on Poincaré categories

The aim of the seminar is to present the theory of Poincaré categories, as well as their L-spectra and Grothendieck-Witt spectra and the relationship. The seminar will follow some sections of the paper series Hermitian K-theory of stable infinity-categories of Calmès-Dotto-Harpaz-Hebestreit-Land-Moi-Nardin-Nikolaus-Steimle, Arxiv: 2009.07223Link opens in a new window, 2009.0723Link opens in a new window, 2009.0724Link opens in a new window.

We will meet on Wednesdays at 4pm during term on MS teams. The talks would be informal, and questions and discussions are encouraged.

Here is an outline of the talks, which will be updated as the seminar progresses. If you would like to volunteer for a talk please get in touch.

Date Talk Speaker Notes
Apr 28 Overview Emanuele Dotto  
May 5 Forms over rings, Witt and Grothendieck-Witt groups Emanuele Dotto  
May 12 Poincaré categories Emanuele Dotto  
May 19 Examples: Poincaré categories of Modules Emanuele Dotto  
May 26 Examples: Poincaré categories of parametrized spectra Emanuele Dotto  
June 2 Examples: Poincaré categories of chain complexes and periodicity Emanuele Dotto  
June 9 Metabolic objects and L-groups Emanuele Dotto  
June 16 L-spectra and bordism invariance Julie Rasmusen  
June 23 Grothendieck-Witt spectra and additivity David Tintinago Pinzon at 16:45
June 30 The fundamental Tate square Emanuele Dotto