Barnabás Gárgyán

I am a first year PhD student under the supervision of Professor Keith BallLink opens in a new window. I tend to focus on geometry and analysis, though I do enjoy other areas of mathematics as well. I have been recently working on topics in convex geometry. With Gergely AmbrusLink opens in a new window, we examined the central sections of the unit cube. Currently, with my supervisor, we investigate sections of other convex bodies, for instance the regular simplex.
I can be contacted at
.Research experience
[p1] G. Ambrus and B. Gárgyán, Estimates on the decay of the Laplace-Pólya integral (2024), arXiv: 2412.12835Link opens in a new window
[1] G. Ambrus and B. Gárgyán, Non-diagonal critical central sections of the cube, Adv. Math. 441 (2024), 109524, doi:10.1016/j.aim.2024.109524Link opens in a new window
Attended conferences
- Szeged Geometry Day 2024Link opens in a new window at Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged. (November 2024)
- The 7th Conference of PhD Students in MathematicsLink opens in a new window at Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged. (July 2024)
Contributed talk: Non-diagonal critical central sections of the cubeLink opens in a new window. - Discrete Geometry Days^3Link opens in a new window at Mathematics Institute of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. (July 2024)
Contributed talk: Non-diagonal critical central sections of the cubeLink opens in a new window. - Convex Geometry in FlorenceLink opens in a new window at Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica Ulisse Dini. (June 2024)
- 2022 Szeged Workshop on ConvexityLink opens in a new window at Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged. (May 2022)
- Szeged Geometry Day 2021Link opens in a new window at Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged. (October 2021)
Attended workshops
- Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex setsLink opens in a new window at Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris. (May 2024)
- Convex and Discrete Geometry Summer SchoolLink opens in a new window at Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics in Budapest. (August 2023)
- PDE Tasting Spring SchoolLink opens in a new window at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig. (March 2023)
I obtained my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Mathematics at the University of Szeged in Hungary. My Bachelor's thesis was titled "Vector systems related to decompositions of the identity" and was supervised by Dr Gergely AmbrusLink opens in a new window and Dr Ferenc FodorLink opens in a new window. My Master's thesis "Critical central sections of the cube" was supervised by Dr Gergely AmbrusLink opens in a new window, which largely covered the topic of our joint publication (see above).