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Seth Hardy


I am a second-year PhD student studying analytic and probabilistic number theory under the supervision of Professor Adam Harper. My research thus far has primarily focused on the study of random multiplicative functions.

I previously completed my MSci in Mathematics at University College London. During my 4th year, I completed a project titled 'Exploring recent developments in gaps between prime numbers' under the supervision of Dr Ian Petrow.


• Bounds for exponential sums with random multiplicative coefficients (2024). [arXiv]. Submitted.
• Almost sure bounds for a weighted Steinhaus random multiplicative function (2023). [arXiv] Accepted for publication in the Journal of the London Mathematical Society.


• Almost sure bounds for partial sums of a weighted Steinhaus random multiplicative function (June 2024), London Number Theory Study Group.
• Exponential sums with random multiplicative coefficients (May 2024), Bristol Linfoot Number Theory Seminar.
• Exponential sums with random multiplicative coefficients (April 2024), London Junior Number Theory Seminar.

• Bounds for exponential sums with random multiplicative coefficients (March 2024), Stanford Student Analytic Number Theory Seminar.
• Bounds for exponential sums with random multiplicative coefficients (March 2024), FRG Grad Seminar.
• Exponential sums with random multiplicative coefficients (February 2024), Warwick Junior Number Theory Seminar.
• Random multiplicative functions (June 2023), Warwick Postgraduate Seminar.
• The Liouville function in short intervals (February 2023), Warwick Number Theory Study Group.


My MSci Thesis: Gaps between prime numbers [pdf].
The Dickman function in probability (for MA946) [pdf].


Spring Term 2024 - Supervisor for first year students.
Autumn Term 2023 - Supervisor for first year students.
Spring Term 2023 - Teaching Assistant for MA257 Introduction to Number Theory.


Doing maths