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Peize Liu


I am Peize Liu (刘霈泽, IPA: ljou˧˥ pʰeɪ˥˩ tsɤ˧˥). I am a second-year Ph.D. student supervised by Dr. Chunyi LiLink opens in a new window. Currently I work in algebraic geometry, though I have a wide interest across geometry, category theory, and mathematical physics. Come to my webpageLink opens in a new window for more~


2018–2021 B.A. in Mathematics University of Oxford
2021–2022 Master of Mathematical & Theoretical Physics

University of Oxford


2023–2024 MA3G6 Commutative AlgebraLink opens in a new window Teaching Assistant
2023–2024 MA4J7 Cohomology and Poincaré DualityLink opens in a new window Teaching Assistant

(In)active Reading Group

  • In Summer 2024, I am also thinking about organsing a reading group on Alper's proto-book Stacks and ModuliLink opens in a new window. If you are interested please contact me!
  • In Aug 2023, I am organising a reading group on The Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves by Huybrechts and Lehn. See this page for the information.

Talks and Activities
