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Professor Richard Sharp

  Richard Sharp

Richard Sharp

Professor of Mathematics

Office: B2.38
Phone: +44 (0)24 76528323


Teaching Responsibilities 2024/25:

Term 1: MA424 Dynamical Systems

Term 2:

Research Interests:
Ergodic theory, dynamical systems, applications to geometry, combinatorial and geometric group theory, quantum chaos and noncommutative geometry.

Selected publications:
A non-symmetric Kesten criterion and ratio limit theorem for random walks on amenable groups, IMRN 2024(7), 6209-6223, 2024 (with R. Dougall)
Helicity, linking and the distribution of null-homologous periodic orbits for Anosov flows, Nonlinearity 36, 21-58, 2023 (with S. Coles)
Anosov flows, growth rates on covers and group extensions of subshifts, Inventiones mathematicae, 223, 445-483, 2021 (with R. Dougall)
Amenability, critical exponents of subgroups and growth of closed geodesics, Mathematische Annalen 365, 1359-1377, 2016 (with R. Dougall)
Correlations of length spectra for negatively curved manifolds, Communications in Mathematical Physics 319, 515-533, 2013 (with M. Pollicott)
Large deviations, fluctuations and shrinking intervals, Communications in Mathematical Physics 290, 321-334, 2009 (with M. Pollicott)
Correlations for pairs of closed geodesics, Inventiones mathematicae 163, 1-24, 2006 (with M. Pollicott)
Exponential error terms for growth functions on negatively curved surfaces, American Journal of Mathematics 120, 1019-1042, 1998 (with M. Pollicott)
Orbit counting for some discrete groups acting on simply connected manifolds with negative curvature, Inventiones mathematicae 117, 275-302, 1994 (with M. Pollicott)
Closed orbits in homology classes for Anosov flows, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems 13, 387-408, 1993

Click here for a full publication list with links to the papers.

Recent research grants:
Critical Exponents and Thermodynamic Formalism for Geometrically Infinite Spaces, EPSRC, 01/09/2017-31/08/2020, £316k.

Hyperbolic Dynamics and Noncommutative Geometry, EPSRC, 01/04/2012-31/03/2015, £278k.

Personal Homepage: For more information see Richard Sharp's homepage