Vicente Saavedra Araya
I am a third year PhD student under the supervision of Joel MoreiraLink opens in a new window. I am mainly interested in dynamical systems, ergodic theory and probability theory. Specifically, my research focuses in the study random ergodic averages and Ramsey ergodic theory.
I am also co-organiser for the DAGGER Seminar.Link opens in a new window
- Distribution of integers with digit restrictions via Markov chains (2024) LinkLink opens in a new window
- Dec 2024, Dyadisc 7: Brazilian-chilean and french interplay for symbolic dynamics, ISCV (Valparaiso, Chile)
- Aug 2024, NU Trends in Ergodic Theory, Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois)
Previously, I completed my degree in Mathematical Engineering and Master in Applied Mathematics at the University of Chile under the supervision of Alejandro Maass and Sebastian Donoso. During my thesis, I studied the convergence of random ergodic averages.
Contact: vicente dot saavedra-araya at warwick dot ac dot uk