2011 - 2012 Events
Organisers: Neil O'Connell, Martin Hairer, Ben Hambly and Jon Warren - 5-9 September 2011 (Symposium Workshop)
Disordered Media
Organisers: Ben Hambly (Oxford), Neil O’Connell (Warwick), Nikolaos Zygouras (Warwick) - 24 October 2011
MiR@W: The Mathematics of Natural Catastrophes
Organisers: Robert Kerr (Warwick), Christian Franzke (British Antartic Survey) -
7 November 2011
MiR@W: Media and Motion
Organisers: Dwight Barkley, Andreas Dedner (Warwick) -
11 November 2011
MiR@W: Option Pricing in Financial Markets
Organiser: Aleksandar Mijatovic -
14 November 2011
MiR@W: Rogue Waves and Strong Nonlinearity in Wave Turbulence
Organisers: Sergey Nazarenko (Warwick), Colm Connaughton (Warwick) -
21 November 2011
MiR@W: The Mathematics of Multiscale Materials
Organisers: Stafen Adams, Chrisptohe Ortner -
30 November - 2 December 2011
Topics in Control
Organisers: Kody Law and Wei Yang -
12-16 December 2011 (Symposium Workshop)
Multiscale Systems: Theory and Applications
Organisers: Martin Hairer (Warwick), Grigorios Pavliotis (Imperial), Andrew Stuart (Warwick) -
12-16 December 2011 (2010/11 Symposium Workshop)
Recent Advances in Modern Dynamics
Organisers: Alex Gorodnik (Bristol), Mark Pollicott, Sebastian van Strien and Corinna Ulcigrai (Bristol) -
17-21 December 2011
Organisers: John Cremona, William Hart -
5-6 January 2012
South West PDE Winter School
Organiser: Peter Topping -
9 January 2012
One Day Ergodic Theory Meeting
Organiser: Mark Pollicott -
13 January 2012
Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems
Organiser: Andrew Stuart -
23 January 2012
Organiser: Markus Kirkilionis (Warwick) -
6 February 2012
MiR@W/CoSyDy Day: Control of Complex Systems
Organisers: Michael Tildesley (Warwick) and Robert MacKay (Warwick) -
20-25 February 2012
Russian/British Winter School on the McKay Correspondence
Organisers Miles Reid (Warwick), Timothy Logvinenko (Warwick), Costya Shramov (Steklov Institute RAS) -
19-23 March 2012 (Symposium Workshop)
Interacting Particle Systems, Growth Models and Random Matrices
Organisers: Neil O’Connell (Warwick), Jon Warren (Warwick) -
26 March 2012
Multigrid Workshop
Organiser: Andreas Dedner (Warwick) -
26–30 March 2012 (Symposium Workshop)
2012 UK Easter Probability Meeting
Organisers: S. Assing (Warwick), D. Elworthy (Warwick), C. Goldschmidt (Warwick), B. Hambly (Oxford), M. Hairer (Warwick), W. Kendall (Warwick), R. Kotecky ́(Warwick), X.-M. Li (Warwick), N. O’Connell (Warwick), R. Tribe (Warwick), J. Warren (Warwick) -
16-20 April 2012 (2010/11 Symposium Workshop)
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems: Perspectives and Prospects
Organisers: Mark Pollicott and Sebastian van Strien -
16-20 April 2012 (Symposium Workshop)
Stochastic Analysis and Stochastic PDEs
Organisers: David Elworthy (Warwick), Martin Hairer (Warwick), Xue-Mei Li (Warwick) -
30 April 2012
MiR@W: Maths and Manufacturing
Organisers: Colm Connaughton (Maths), David Mullins (WMG), Tom Nichols (Stats/WMG) -
7-10 May 2012
From mean-field control to weak KAM dynamics
Organisers: Sebastain van Strien (Warwick) and Vassilli Kolokoltsov (Warwick) -
10 May 2012
Geometric Analysis Seminar
Organisers: Mihalis Dafermos, Andre Neves, Peter Topping, Neshan Wickramasekera -
14 May 2012
Bayesian Inverse Problems
Organiser: Andrew Stuart -
14-16 May 2012
Statistical Inference, Information Theory and Applications in Complex Systems
Organisers: Colm Connaughton (Warwick) and Nick Watkins (British Antartic Survey) -
17-18 May 2012
Aggregation, Inference and Rare Events in the Natural and Socio-economic Sciences
Organisers: Colm Connaughton (Warwick) and Nick Watkins (British Antartic Survey) -
28 May - 1 June 2012 (Symposium Workshop)
Large Scale Behaviour of Random Spatial Models
Organisers: Stefan Adams (Warwick), Roman Kotecky (Warwick), Stefan Grosskinsky (Warwick) -
11-12 June 2012 (Symposium Workshop)
NASPDE12 (Numerical Solution of Stochastic PDEs)
Organisers: Andrew Cliffe (Nottingham), Ivan Graham (Bath), Robert Scheichl (Bath), Andrew Stuart (Warwick) -
18 June 2012
MiR@W: Complexity in the Social Sciences
Organisers: Stefan Grosskinsky (Warwick Mathematics Institute and Warwick Centre for Complexity Science) and Celia Lury (Warwick Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies) -
18-22 June 2012 (Symposium Workshop)
The Geometry of Discrete Random Structures
Organisers: Nathanael Berestycki (Cambridge), Christina Goldschmidt (Warwick) -
2-6 July 2012
MASDOC Applied Mathematics Summer School
Organiser: Charlie Elliott, Andreas Dedner -
9-10 July 2012
Patterns, turbulence and waves: explorations off the beaten track in nonlinear science (includes MiR@W day)
Organisers: Colm Connaughton and Sergey Nazarenko -
9-13 July 2012
ICALP: The International Colloquim on Automata, Languages and Programming
Organiser: Artur Czumaj (DIMAP) -
9-14 July 2012
Algebraic Geometry and Theoretical Physics
Organisers: Timothy Logvinenko and Miles Reid -
16-20 July 2012 (Symposium Workshop)
Optimal stopping, optimal control and finance
Organisers: Alex Cox (Bath), David Hobson (Warwick), Goran Peskir (Manchester), Ben Hambly (Oxford) - 19-21 July 2012
Fudan-Sogang-Warwick Algebraic Geometry Workshop
Organisers: Miles Reid (Warwick), LEE Yongnam (Sogang), CHEN Meng (Fudan) - 20 July 2012
MoN11: Eleventh Mathematics of Networks meeting
Organisers: Keith Briggs (BT), Richard Clegg (UCL), Colm Connaughton (Warwick) - 31 August 2012
East Midlands Stochastic Analysis Seminar
3-7 September 2012 (Symposium Workshop)
At the Frontier of Analysis and Probability
Organisers: Martin Hairer (Warwick), Peter Topping (Warwick)
See also:
Mathematics Research Centre
Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research at Warwick (MIR@W)
Past Events
Past Symposia
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You can register for any of the symposia or workshops online. To see which registrations are currently open and to submit a registration, please click hereLink opens in a new window.
Mathematics Research Centre
Zeeman Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL - UK