EPSRC Symposium Workshop - The Geometry of Discrete Random Structures
Monday 18 - Friday 22 June 2012
Organisers: Nathanaël Berestycki (Cambridge), Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford)
Some of the most important open problems in modern probability theory, both from an applied and a theoretical perspective, require us to develop a good understanding of the geometry of large, random discrete structures. To mention a few examples, consider large random networks in biology and urban planning; the famous random satisfiability problem (k-SAT) from computer science; the geometry of random planar surfaces (planar maps) and quantum gravity; the properties of percolation clusters, etc. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together a range of experts from relevant fields, survey the current state of the art and provide a stimulating environment for interaction between the participants.
As part of the workshop, there will be a minicourse on Finite Markov information exchange processes given by David Aldous (Berkeley).
Other confirmed speakers are:
Abstracts and slides for the talks
The conference dinner will be held at Coombe Abbey. Please indicate menu choices here
(if attending). The deadline for signing up for the conference dinner is 13th June.
Accommodation will be arranged on Campus by the Mathematics Research Centre (MRC).
Some practical details
Here is advice on how to get to Warwick University from the main UK airports.
The nearest railway station to the University is Coventry Railway Station, approximately 2.5 miles away.
Here is a map of the Warwick campus (where the Mathematics Department is in the Zeeman Building, numbered 37).
Here is some information on local buses (U1 and U2 connect University-Leamington Spa; 12 connects Coventry-University-Kenilworth-Leamington Spa). Kenilworth is 4 miles from the University. Leamington Spa is 8 miles from the University, and has its own railway station.
The cost of parking on Campus is £3 per day.
Lectures will be in room MS.03 in the Zeeman Building (which is suitable for blackboard, OHP or computer presentations).
See also:
Mathematics Research Centre
Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research at Warwick (MIR@W)
Past Events
Past Symposia
Where possible, visitors should obtain an EDUROAM account from their own university to enable internet access whilst at Warwick.
You can register for any of the symposia or workshops online. To see which registrations are currently open and to submit a registration, please click hereLink opens in a new window.
Mathematics Research Centre
Zeeman Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL - UK