Non-Combinatorial Combinatorics
14-16 September 2015
Organisers: Konstantinos Tyros and Oleg Pikhurko
Combinatorics and geometry of hyperbolic and stable polynomials
4-5 November 2015
Organiser: Oleg Pikhurko
MiR@W day: Cell Motility and PDEs in Evolving and Complex Domains
9 November 2015
Organisers: Bjorn Stinner and Charlie Elliott
MiR@W day: Sample path large deviations and concentration
23 November 2015
Organisers: Stefan Adams, Roger Tribe
Warwick Imperial Autumn Meeting
28 November 2015
Organiser: Andrew Brown
MiR@W day: Modelling and simulation of electrochemical flows in Lithium-ion batteries
30th November 2015
Organisers: Matteo Icardi and Florian Theil
Davis-Warwick Probability Workshop (Held at the University of Califonia at Davis)
14-16 December 2015
Organisers: Erik Slivken and Oleg Zaboronski
LMS Network Meeting on Harmonic Analysis and PDEs
17th December 2015
Organiser: Jose Rodrigo
MiR@W day: Transitions from microscopic to macroscopic models
8 February 2016
Organisers: Florian Theil and Ian Melbourne
Workshop on Birational Geometry
10-12 February 2016
Organisers: Miles Reid (Warwick), Hamid Ahmadinezhad (Bristol)
MiR@W day: MathSYS
15th February 2016
Organiser: Matt Keeling
Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems
22-24 February 2016
Organiser: Andrew Stuart
Probabilistic models - from discrete to continuous
29 Mar 2016 - 02 Apr 2016
Organisers: Martin Hairer and Hendrik Weber
Explicit Methods in Number Theory: Conference in Honour of John Cremona's 60th Birthday
4-8 April 2016
Organisers: Lassina Dembele, Tom Fisher, Haluk Sengun, Samir Siksek
NTD Modelling Consortium Technical Meeting 2016
6-8 April 2016
Organisers: Deidre Hollingsworth (Warwick), Hajnal Farkas (Warwick)
From The Indus Valley Civilisation to Ramanujan: A Fascinating History of Indian Mathematics
20 April 2016
Professor Dinesh Singh
Trends in Mathematical Crystallisation
3-6 May 2016
Organiser: Stefan Adams
The Dynamics of Complex Systems: A meeting in honour of the 60th birthday of Robert MacKay FRS
18-20 May 2016
Organisers: Claude Baesens (Warwick), Christian Beck (Queen Mary, London), Ben Mestel (Open), Mark Muldoon (Manchester)
Macaulay2 Workshop
23-26 May 2016
Organiser: Diane Maclagan
Warwick Dynamical Systems Workshop
6-8 June 2016
Organisers: V.Gelfreich (Warwick), V.Rom-Kedar (Weizmann), D.Turaev (Imperial), A.Vieiro (Barcelona)
Ergodic Theory Meeting
9 June 2016
Organiser: Richard Sharp
Multiscale phenomena in electrochemical and porous systems
14-16 June 2016
Organisers: Matteo Icardi, Florian Theil
Arithmetic statistics and the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics
27 June -1 July 2016
Organiser: Alex Bartel
PDE Software Frameworks (PDESoft) 2016
4-8 July 2016
Organiser: Andreas Dedner
See also:
Mathematics Research Centre
Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research at Warwick (MIR@W)
Past Events
Past Symposia
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Mathematics Research Centre
Zeeman Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL - UK