LMS Women in Maths Day
Tuesday 27th June 2017
Organising Committee: Deirdre Hollingsworth, Louise Dyson, Gavin Brown, Ann Hume
This one day London Mathematics Society Women in Maths Day is being held at Warwick University on Tuesday 27th June, 2017.
The day provides the chance to meet and network with women who are active and successful in mathematics, and features research talks from a wide range of mathematical subject areas as well as a panel discussion. A poster session will be held over lunch and there will be a prize for the best Women in Mathematics Day poster. Posters developed for other conferences are very welcome, and poster boards will support up to A1 size posters. In addition, each poster presenter will have the opportunity to give a one slide 'taster' to advertise their poster to the participants.
The event is open to all and may be of particular interest to women mathematicians, particularly those at an early stage of their career.
Registration for the event is free, and limited travel funding is available to support undergraduates, postgraduates and postdocs to attend. We encourage attendees to request additional travel funding from their departments where appropriate. We are keen to enable attendance from further afield in the UK, and will make every effort to assist with this.
Childcare can be provided - click here for details.
10:15 Registration and coffee
10:50 Welcome
11:00 Alessandra Caraceni, University of Bath: The scaling limit of random outerplanar mapsLink opens in a new window
11:30 Sophie Carr, Bays Consulting: My travels with maths: Knowing where I am and where my food came fromLink opens in a new window
12:00 Poster taster session (Chair: Diane Maclagan) POSTERS
12:30 Lunch, posters and networking in 'the street' (outside MS.01)
14:00 Eva-Maria Graefe, Imperial College London: There’s a hole in my quantum bucketLink opens in a new window
14:30 Panel discussion: Mentoring and career progression
15:30 Coffee, posters and networking in 'the street' (outside MS.01)
16:00 Sibylle Schroll, University of Leicester: Graphs and Representation TheoryLink opens in a new window
16:30 Christl Donnelly, Imperial College London: What have numbers ever done for you?Link opens in a new window
17:30 Poster prize presentation followed by drinks, cheese and nibbles in the common room
All talks and sessions are in room MS.01 in the Mathematics Institute.
Steering Committee:
Keith Ball, Martine Barons, Graham Cormode, Rebecca Cotton-Barratt, Martin Hairer, Cathy Hobbs, Diane Maclagan, Elizabeth Mansfield, Marta Mazzocco, Anne Taormina
Further information to follow.
To register, please click here.Link opens in a new window
Funding provided by:
27th June 2017
Location: Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building
Free and open to all
please register hereLink opens in a new window