Monday, 9 July
11:00 Registration in Room B1.37, Mathematics Institute
11:30 Yongbin Ruan (Michigan) Structure of higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants of quintic 3-fold I,
background and early attempts
12:30 Lunch in Complexity Common Room
14:00 Mark Gross (Cambridge) Gluing log Gromov-Witten invariants: a progress report
15:00 Tea/coffee in Complexity Common Room
15:30 Paul Johnson (Sheffield) Topology of Hilbert schemes of points on orbifold surfaces
16:30 Tea/coffee in Complexity Common Room
17:00 Pierrick Bousseau (Imperial) The quantum tropical vertex
18:00 Dinner in Complexity Common Room
Tuesday, 10 July
10:00 Yongbin Ruan (Michigan) Structure of higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants of quintic 3-fold II, recent breakthrough
11:00 Coffee in Complexity Common Room
11:30 Yanghui He (London/Oxford) Learning Algebraic Geometry: Lessons from the String Landscape
12:30 Lunch in Complexity Common Room
Afternoon: COW seminar
14:00 Tyler Kelly (Cambridge) Open Mirror Symmetry for the Landau-Ginzburg Model $x^r$
15:00 Tea/coffee in Complexity Common Room
15:30 Clélia Pech (Kent) Quantum Cohomology for Horospherical Varieties
16:30 Tea/coffee in Complexity Common Room
17:00 Yongbin Ruan (Michigan) Calabi-Yau 3-fold, Reid's fantasy and Gromov-Witten invariants