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MiR@W day: Identifiability and Inference

Monday 13th November 2017


Michael Chappell (Engineering), Louise Dyson (Mathematics, Life Sciences).

This meeting will consider the techniques for ascertaining whether unknown models or model parameters can be identified uniquely or otherwise from available measurements of the system. The talks will outline basic concepts and state-of-the-art approaches in the field of structural (a priori) identifiability analysis, this being a prerequisite for experimental design, parameter estimation and system identification. Issues regarding practical (a posteriori) identifiability will also be considered alongside discussion of associated statistical inference with respect to the parameter estimation performed. Applications of these techniques to parameterised models across a range of disciplines will also be provided.

Schedule (preliminary)

Talks will be in B3.02 (Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building)

No registration required, everyone interested is invited!