East Midlands Stochastic Analysis Seminar 2014
Thursday 28th August
Room MS.B3.02
14:00 Michael Scheutzow (TU-Berlin) Synchronization by noise
15:00 Tea in Mathematics Institute Common Room
15:30 Robert Philipowski (Luxembourg) Martingales on manifolds with time-dependent connection
16:30 Atsushi Atsuji (Keio) Diffusions and some function theoretic properties of complex lamination
17:30 Drinks & nibbles in Mathematics Institute Common Room
If you are interested in joining us for lunch contact David Elworthy (K dot D dot Elworthy at warwick dot ac dot uk).
In the evening we will be be going to eat at the Paprika Club in Leamington: places limited, register soon with David Elworthy (K dot D dot Elworthy at warwick dot ac dot uk).
All are welcome. There are possibilities of support for travel etc including for graduate students. For more details or accommodation arrangements contact David Elworthy or mrc at maths dot warwick dot ac dot uk
Michael Scheutzow (TU-Berlin) Synchronization by noise
It has been observed that for a number of ordinary differential equations (and some stochastic partial differential equations), additive white noise synchronizes the system in the sense that the equation with additive noise has a random attractor which consists of a single (random) point even if the deterministic equation has several stable fixed points and/or periodic solutions. In this talk I will provide classes of equations for which synchronization occurs.
This is joint work with Franco Flandoli and Benjamin Gess.
Robert Philipowski (Luxembourg) Martingales on manifolds with time-dependent connection
Martingales on manifolds with a fixed connection have been studied for a long time. Moreover, they have been successfully applied to the study of harmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds. Motivated by Perelman's proof of the Poincaré conjecture using Ricci flow there is nowadays a strong interest in stochastic analysis on manifolds with time-dependent geometry. In this talk I define martingales in such a time-dependent context and show how they can be applied to the study of the harmonic map heat flow. This is a joint work with Hongxin Guo and Anton Thalmaier.
Atsushi Atsuji (Keio) Diffusions and some function theoretic properties of complex lamination
Complex lamination is a simple generalization of complex foliation including foliation generated by holomorphic vector fields and Levi flat surfaces.
We introduce leafwise holomorphic diffusion which is a variant of leafwise Brownian motion introduced by L.Garnett. We use this diffusion to obtain some Picard type results for leafwise holomorphic maps.