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Ship Capsize

A workshop to overview research on ship capsize from engineering and mathematical perspectives.

It will run online 12.30-15.30 UK time on Monday 10 May.

Organisers: Manuela Bujorianu (Strathclyde Maritime Safety Research Centre) and Robert MacKay

Please click here to register and to receive a Teams link nearer the time. You can also register by clicking on the link at the top of the page.


12.30-12.35: Welcome and introduction, MacKay RS

12.35-12.55: Boulougouris E (Maritime Safety Research Centre, Strathclyde), The Maritime Safety perspective of Ship Capsizals

13.00-13.20: Lu J (China Ship Scientific Research Centre), Study on a unified 6 DOF MMG model for pure loss of stability and surf-riding/broaching with a twin rudder vessel

13.25-13.45: Woolsey C (Aerospace & Ocean Engineering, Virginia Tech), A Lagrangian nonlinear maneuvering and seakeeping model for shallow submerged vessels

13.50-14.10: break

14.10-14.30: Bujorianu L-M (Maritime Safety Research Centre, Strathclyde), A quick tour on modelling of ship capsize: from deterministic to stochastic

14.35-14.55: Naik S (Maths, Bristol), Ship capsize and phase space transport

15.00-15.20: Grafke T (Maths, Warwick), Intact Ship Capsize as Diffusive Exit Problem: Sharp Asymptotics from Large Deviations

15.25-15.30: Closing discussion