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Our Events

Putting on a range of engaging events is core to what the MRC does, and we actively encourage visitors from outside of Warwick to get involved with what we do. Why not browse our upcoming events and see if there’s anything that captures your interest?

Conferences & workshops

We host a range of conferences and one-off workshops throughout the year and love nothing more than mathematicians from across the globe to join us for them. Registration for most of our events is free and there are always plenty of different topics on the agenda.


We run colloquia every Friday afternoon in our home, the Zeeman Building, on Warwick’s central campus. Our aim is to inform non-specialists and graduate students about recent trends, ideas and results in some area of mathematics, or a closely related field.


Every week in the department, we run a range of seminars to share knowledge and stimulate discussion. Topics cover a broad spectrum of subject and research areas – from algebra and analysis to statistics, fluid dynamics, probability and plenty more in between!

MIR@W Days

MIR@W (Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research at Warwick) is our collaboration with other Warwick departments in science, engineering, business, and social sciences to promote and coordinate mathematical interdisciplinary research.