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Secure management

Secure management

So, for starters, the iPads are all managed with our MDM (Mobile Device Management) software. This allows us to ensure the iPads are passcode protected and encrypted, while also giving us a host of security & management functionality such as remote locking & erasing, remote password resets, app deployment, and the ability to enable/disable certain device features.

Whilst we can perform remote tasks to the device we can at no point see any of your activity on the device. We can’t view your screen or see any internet browsing activity/history. Additionally, we can’t see or access any files/photos/videos that you load onto the device. The only extra information we get is a list of installed apps on the device, but we see no data related to those apps.

You are free to use your personal Apple ID onto the device to download any apps from the app store. All of Apple’s inbuilt privacy features (ie – disabling app data tracking) are the same as if you were running a personal device. You can use your Apple ID the same as you would on a personal device, with the exception of performing data backups to iCloud. Since we have no control over the security of personal Apple IDs (weak passwords etc) it was deemed to be a potential security risk to backup university/patient data in this way


Contact for iPad reset: Helpdesk/WMS IT team


I’ve forgotten my pin number. If you should find yourself in this situation, don’t panic, contact the WMS IT team via IT online form quoting the iPad asset number e.g. 001234.

Regarding data deletion

You are free to perform a full factory reset before returning the device at the end of Assistantship block. Alternatively, our Apple device management software allows the Apple device management team to perform a full remote reset.