About Moodle
What is Moodle?
Moodle is the University's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Designed specifically to support the delivery of teaching, learning materials and activities, Moodle consists of a number of tools, and integrates with various other learning systems.
As Moodle integrates directly with the university student information system (SITS), this means that students will be presented with a personalised Moodle landing page providing links to every module that they are registered on. Each Moodle module space will provide access to the following module specific resources and content by default:
- Echo lecture capture recordings
- Talis Aspire reading lists
- Access to course extracts
Who in WMS uses Moodle?
MBChB students starting September 2013 onwards are supported throughout their 4 year program via Moodle.
PGT & CPD programmes have supported students via Moodle since January 2013. During the academic year 2013-2014, in response to student feedback, all information supporting these student groups was also moved into Moodle.
Getting started
moodle.warwick.ac.uk uses the same single sign on (SSO) information as other University of Warwick services and, therefore if you are signed in to other Warwick sites, you will remain signed in when you navigate to Moodle.
Developing a high quality WMS Moodle presence
We look forward to working with course teams to and advising them on good practice for developing a high quality WMS Moodle presence.
We will also be working with the student body via Student Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs).
WMS Moodle contacts
If you have a Moodle specific query please contact the WMS Academic Technology Team via wms dot moodle at warwick dot ac dot uk
Cath Fenn
MB ChB, Senior Academic Technologist
Rich Clay
PGT & CPD, Senior Academic Technologist
Cath & Rich are both active members of University Extended Classroom User Group & Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Forum.