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Frequently asked questions

How do I access Warwick Moodle?
Go to and login using your Warwick ID (username & password).

Is training available?
The central University ITS Academic Technology Teamteam produce user guides and run a series of workshops. WMS have liaised with them over training venues and we are delighted that sessions are now regularly scheduled in room B0.52 computer room adjacent to Gibbet Hill Cafe.

Do I need to request a Moodle space for my module?
No, all University approved modules are listed in SITS. SITS is the source of data for generating module Moodle space each academic year. SITS generated module Moodle spaces automatically pick up their Module Leader and Student enrolments from SITS.

Do I need to request a Moodle space for my taught MSc, MPH MedEd or PG Certificate?
No, PGT programmes available in SITS will have a Moodle space generated each academic year at the point known as roll-over. These Moodle courses have replaced the hard copy course guides. However a PDF copy of the Course Guide must be made available to comply with legal requirements.

What about CPD courses and non-standard delivery programmes?
Please contact, wms dot moodle at warwick dot ac dot uk to arrange a meeting to discuss your requirements. Non standard and non accredited programmes can be supported via ad hoc courses provided robust admin processes are in place to handle the registration of students not seeking credit.

Why can I not access my Moodle spaces at ?

My Moodle only lists the courses you are directly enrolled on. Enrollments for Module Leaders are based on the module tutor data held in SITS. This data is managed by the admin teams. Enrollments for other staff are based on those from previous academic year. If your list is not as expected please contact your admin support team in the first instsance.

I'm employed by WMS but I'm also a student. Why can't see the Moodle spaces for the modules I am studying?
First question, are you logged in with your staff account? To access your student resources you must use your student login. If you are using both sets of login details in the same internet browser you may need to refresh your browser.

My students are not listed as participants in my SITS generated Moodle course?
SITS generated Moodle spaces sync with the student module taking records in SITS. Please direct all SITS queries to the admin support team in the first instance. If the admin suport team are not able to advise please contact Student Records.

How do students get listed as participants on ad hoc Moodle courses?
If you are planning to set up a new non standard or non accredited programme that may require a Moodle space please contact wms dot moodle at warwick dot ac dot uk to arrange a joint meeting with the admin team supporting your program to discuss options based on your specific requirements.