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Induction and transitions

MB ChB induction and transitions

The MB ChB Education Team are continually reviewing their approach to induction and transitions in response to student feedback. It is recognised that the transition activities as students move to phase 2 and phase 3 have a significant impact on the student experience.

MB ChB students are encouraged and supported to lead on co-creation induction projects.

In 2023 the MB ChB Digital Education Interns team supported the creation of a student community hub which includes a wide range of guidance created by students for students:

Phase co-created guides

Note: For an early example of an MB ChB induction student co-creation project (2016) please see Student Voice project repository.


Taught Postgraduate (including Dentistry) & CPD share an online induction tutorial - these students have rolling start dates throughout the year with limited opportunity to coordinate face to face induction activities.

Note: at the start of the 2016/17 this online induction was being rewritten and may be subject to further changes.