Rachael Ralph undertook the Academic Professional Pathway for PGRs (APP PGR) with the Academic Development Centre to obtain her Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA) in December 2024.
Valentin Dospinescu was awarded Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Short Term Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2024. This will allow Valentin to spend three months at Osaka University, working in Professor Takeharu Nagai’s group, developing fluorescent biosensors based on insect receptors. This work will leverage cutting-edge imaging technology capable of recording from 1 million cells simultaneously at single-cell resolution.
Afifah Tasnim won the Early Career Microbiologist of the Year Poster Prize from Microbiology Society in June 2024.
Tasha Reddy was awarded Best Poster Presentation at the recent Multidisciplinary Approaches to Anti-Microbial Resistance conference at Ineos Oxford Institute (March 2024).
Helen Smith was awarded a prestigious Early Career Fellowship from Warwick’s Institute of Advanced Study which enabled her to secure a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship with Prof Chris Schofield FRS at the University of Oxford.
Chelsea Brown won the Sir Howard Dalton Young Microbiologist of the Year award for her talk entitled “Modelling Mycobacterial Membranes: Anyone for PIMS?” at the 2023 Annual Microbiology conference. The prize recognises and rewards excellence in science communication. Chelsea also won the 2024 University of Warwick Science, Engineering and Medicine (SEM) Faculty Thesis Prize.
Iago Lopez Grobas was awarded a University of Warwick Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Thesis Prize in 2022 for his work on Biophysical Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance in Swarming Bacillus subtilis.
In September 2020 Ben Roberts received the prize for the best Biomedical Sciences poster presentation at the Warwick Medical School Postgraduate Research Symposium for his research on A Functional Circadian Clock within the Blood-Brain Barrier controls Key Pharmacokinetic Properties.
In August 2020 Iago Lopez Grobas won a best poster prize for Bioscience and Medical Physics at IOP Publishing's first poster conference hosted on Twitter, #IOPPposter. At the time Iago was a final year student researching Group motility as a mechanism of self-defence in bacteria.
Jonathan Fenn was awarded the Science, Education and Medicine Faculty runner-up best thesis prize for Warwick Medical School in July 2020. Jonathan submitted his thesis on Molecular characterisation of the UgpB substrate binding protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in September 2019.
In February 2020 Kate Watkins was awarded best poster prize at the UK Cellular Microbiology 2020 Conference in Sheffield. Kate's PhD research is focused on The role of the Staphyloccocal Ess in the modulation of host responses.
Karen Dhillon, final year MRC DTP student, has secured a Royal Society internship from September 2020. Karen will be joining the Society's wellbeing team, focusing on the wellbeing of people, plants, animals and the planet. Among other activities, she will be responsible for producing briefing papers and participating and organising policy events.
At the UK Clock Club in Cambridge (2019) Lauren's abstract was selected for an oral presentation and received the "Most novel poster" prize.
In 2020, Lauren was awarded a project grant to extend her PhD project on a novel reporter mouse model from the BSN.