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Student Voice

Student Feedback

Students have the opportunity to provide feedback on all aspects of the course, including student recruitment, student induction, MSc modules, student conferences, and their overall student experience. Feedback is gathered formally via surveys and in less formal ways such as the monthly MSc breakfast club.

Working In Partnership

Students and staff work closely together to assure the quality of our programme and also continually enhance it. The Student-Staff Forum is co-chaired by a student and the Academic Training Lead. Its remit includes producing action plans in response to student feedback, and organising an annual programme of careers talks and skills workshops.

Student Reps

DTP Steering Committee

Tasha Reddy (Yr2 PhD rep)

Hannah Hooker (Yr1 PhD rep)

MSc in IBR Teaching Committee

Max Lee

Anesa Martin

Nina Pucekova

Holly Gregory

Annabelle Bennett

Student-Staff Forum

Richard Allen (Yr3 PhD rep)

Shams Neupane (Yr3 PhD rep)

Tasha Reddy (Yr2 PhD rep, chair)

Trenton Stewart (Yr2 PhD rep)

Rachael Ralph (Yr2 PhD rep)

Niky Moolchandani Adwani (Yr1 PhD rep)

Mireia Taus Nebot (Yr1 PhD rep)

Emma Davey (Yr1 PhD rep)

MSc Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC)

Megan Vickers

Lucie Winn

PGR Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC)

Eleanor Harrison

Rosie Sanders

Juliet Chen

Charlotte Cornbill


Ambassadors for Better Research Culture

Catriona Conway

Ryan Harrison

Becca Bailey