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Department of Physics

Department of Physics


Undergraduate study

Physics deals with fundamental questions about the Universe, and key technological and environmental issues of our time. Our three-year degrees provide essential knowledge, while four-year degrees dig deeper with more specialised modules.


Postgraduate study

Our PhD students undertake cutting-edge research in our thriving research teams, across the full spectrum of contemporary Physics. They make full use of our well-equipped laboratories and infrastructure to tackle pressing research topics.


Staff & Student News

Physics Society celebrate 10 year anniversary

Wednesday 8th January marked the 10th anniversary of the Warwick Physics Society weekly event, PhysCafé, an event which aims to display to students some of the many options open to them once they have graduated with their Physics degree. The event has seen many different speakers, from patent lawyer…


Our vibrant academic community and world-class facilities combine to pioneer impactful discoveries across a broad range of topics:

In the Press