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Personal tutors, who are academic staff, hold weekly tutorials in the first and second years. These are designed

  1. To help you with general questions about your studies, including your choice of options, approach to examinations and possible course changes.
  2. To give pastoral guidance and support. In the case of serious personal worries tutors are encouraged to direct you to the University's Senior Tutor and Counselling Service.
  3. To help you with the core modules. They also mark your attempts at the questions on the worksheets associated with PX129 (Maths/Physics students) and PX146 & PX275 (Physics students).
  4. To support your studies generally. Where appropriate this may involve
    • Working through conceptual problems associated with the modules
    • Looking at the wider relevance of particular material in the modules and explaining where it fits in with other parts of the degree course
    • Giving you practice at oral communication
    • Asking you to work through past examination questions and helping you to revise and to prepare for examinations

Personal tutors should see you twice a term (usually in the first and final weeks) to discuss your choice of options and general progress.

In the third an fourth years students should be learning independently from lectures. Small group support switches in later years to the non-lectured modules: PX376 Communicating Science, PX319/PX402 Physics Project, PX428/PX442 Physics Laboratory, PX424 Group Project.

You should note that your project supervisor has an important role when it comes to providing references/testimonials to potential employers. BSc Maths/Physics students should bear this in mind when deciding whether to do a final year project.