Books contain all sorts of interesting information so get into the habit of browsing in the University Library. Contrary to what seems to be becoming the popular belief surfing the internet is not a viable alternative to reading books and journals! You can find out more about the library's book collection from the on-line catalogue.
Recommended Texts
The Department informs the library of all the books that are recomended by lecturers for modules they teach and the library purchases at least one copy of these, and in most cases multiple copies. These are usually kept in the Student Reserve Collection. The library then regularly monitors the demand for these recommended texts. This monitoring is based on how frequently books are reserved. If you are looking for a book and find that all the copies have been borrowed, then you should place a reservation and this is easily done on line. If a book is frequently reserved then more copies will be bought, so it is in your interests to place reservations.
Other Facilities
In addition to the books the library subscribes to large number of periodicals and provides access to a wide range of databases. Information about these services of specific relevance to Physics based students is available here. You will be instructed in using these facilities when you have to do project work.