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Kate Renforth

What course did you study at Warwick and why?

I studied physics at Warwick after enjoying the subject at GCSE and A-Level. I enjoyed the challenge of the subject and thought it could help me end up in a job where I got to answer real world questions and make a difference.

How did your studies at Warwick help you get your first job after graduation and start your career?

During my time at Warwick I got the option to learn about a range of modules, including medical physics, which really interested me. I enjoyed applying my technical knowledge to an area where you can see such a direct impact, and so looked for work in this field when in my final year. My fourth year project in electron microscopy encouraged me to look for more research heavy positions, as I found this environment really stimulated and challenged me, so I reached out to medical device R&D companies rather than the traditional NHS route. Being able to demonstrate my interest by showing my module choices, and showing the technical skills developed through 4 years of labs and project work was incredibly helpful in securing a job in this field.

What skills or attitudes have helped you succeed?

The tenacity and work ethic developed throughout my degree have helped me progress quickly through the company, and allowed me to take initiative at work to get the best results during experiments. As well as this not being afraid to speak up when you are stuck with something and having the confidence to ask for help when needed, especially at the start, is very important!

What advice would you give to students in their final year?

Enjoy final year! The work load is daunting and preparing for final exams can be stressful, but this is the last chance to enjoy what university has to offer and it's good to take a break and enjoy that.

What would be your top tips for people wanting to work in your field but don't know how to get started?

Reach out to people working in that field and ask for any advice or time they can spare to talk with you. Read widely around the topic to see if it's for you, and if you can manage to find work experience it's a great way to trial run it!

What are your career highlights?

Travelling in Chicago for a large imaging conference, and getting to be on a stand for 3 days explaining our tech to other people in the field before exploring the city. (And x-raying a pelican).

What is your favourite memory from your time at Warwick?

Being surprised with party poppers and cake outside the sports hall after my final exam!