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Supervisor Briefing December 2024

On Wednesday 11th December, at 13:00-16:00 there will be a briefing session for all postgraduate research supervisors in MS.04 in the Zeeman building.
While we recognise that this slot will not work for everyone, this is an important session and should be attended if at all possible. Supervisors, and those who expect to supervise postgraduate in the next year or two are expected to attend if possible, and attendance (or otherwise) will be recorded. If you are not available please complete the form hereLink opens in a new window stating the reasons. We may run a smaller second session later in the year if necessary.

The session will begin with a sandwich lunch (served in the Zeeman Foyer), with the session talks starting at 13:30. These will comprise briefing on current procedures, admin issues and best practice from me (as DGS), a briefing from a representative of the Postgraduate Certificate in Transferable Skills in Science (PGCTSS) and a session led the Doctoral College.

The Doctoral College have asked us for examples of potential PGR supervision case study scenarios or issues that would be useful for them to discuss. I have established a web form hereLink opens in a new window for supervisors or others to suggest such scenarios. Please make all suggestions anonymized (i.e. not referring to individual or identifiable students) and submit your suggestions at least 1 week before the session.

I have also requested examples of good and bad professional practice on the form here. While this is aimed at students, staff are also welcome to contribute.