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Physics Fellowships - Expression of Interest

The Department of Physics at the University of Warwick welcomes candidates interested in applying for externally funded fellowship opportunities. To apply with us as your host institute, please submit a 1-2 page Expression of Interest and a 2-page CV. Please see the guidance below for details on how to complete the EOI and CV, as well as downloadable templates.

For the STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship, RS University Research Fellowship, and ERC Starting Grant, please use the narrative CV and EOI templates provided below. The current round of applications is closed, next round should open Spring 2025.

For the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship, please use the narrative CV and EOI templates provided below. Internal selection deadline is 25 February 2025.

For the Royal Commission Exhibition of 1851 Fellowship and/or the Branco Weiss Fellowship, we advise an EOI submission by or near 13 December 2024 to allow Research Impact Services to work with candidates on their final submissions due in January 2025. Applicants are welcome to use the CV and EOI templates below, but can also submit draft versions more akin to their specific funder requests.

All applicants must secure an internal mentor to support their application(s).

EOI Template

EOI Guidance

CV and Track Record Template

CV and Track Record Guidance

Submit your application hereLink opens in a new window

We especially encourage applications from individuals from under-represented backgrounds. We are committed to individuals with care giving duties and can offer flexible working hours. Applications for a part-time fellowships are welcome.

Warwick is committed to building an organisation of mutual respect and dignity, promoting a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive working and learning environment. We recognise that everyone is different in a variety of visible and non-visible ways, and that those differences are to be recognised, respected, and valued. Where possible, we go beyond legislation to provide a place where everyone can thrive, supporting all staff to achieve their full potential. We aspire to remove economic, social, and cultural barriers that may otherwise prevent people from succeeding.

We therefore welcome and encourage applications from all communities regardless of culture, background, age, disability, sex/gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion/belief, or sexual or romantic orientation. To find out more about our social inclusion work at Warwick visit our webpage here.

The University currently holds a Race Equality Charter Bronze Award, Athena Swan Sliver Award and a Disability Smart Bronze Award. The University of Warwick is also one of the six founder institutions of the EUTOPIA European University Alliance.

The Physics Department are proud of their diverse community of staff, students, and visitors, and are committed to maintaining an excellent record in teaching and research by ensuring that there is equality of opportunity for all, fostered in an environment of mutual respect and dignity.The Physics Department holds an Athena SWAN Silver award, a national initiative to promote gender equality for all staff and students. The Physics Department is also a Juno Champion, which is an award from the Institute of Physics to recognise our efforts to address the under-representation of women in university physics and to encourage better practice for people of all genders. Further information can be found at