Universal Admissions System (UA) Guidance
The new Universal Admissions system (UA) will be replacing the BPM (SWIFT) PG Approvals system for all Postgraduate applications for 2020/21.
In order to access UA, users will need to have completed the following 2 steps;
- Successfully complete the Moodle course Universal Admissions and GDPR
For completion to be successfully recorded, answer all questions correctly and click through to the last slide.
- Request access to eVision
Please complete and sign the eVision Application Form, ticking that you require access to Universal Admissions.
Return the form to the Student Office (hard copy or scanned). Please note that you do not require the HoD signature, we will coordinate one signature from HoD for all of the forms.
Further information about the UA project can be found at https://warwick.ac.uk/services/aro/sroas/admissions/ua/ including some tutorial videos. If you have any queries about the moodle course or eVision form then please do not hesitate to contact the Student Office.