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Maps and Directions to Physics

Directions and Travel Information | Buildings | Meeting Rooms | Toilets | Fire Safety | Parking

Directions and travel information

The department's address is as follows:

Department of Physics
University of Warwick
West Midlands

For general directions and travel information to the University visit:


The Physics building is on the main University of Warwick Campus and can be found on the central campus map. The Physics HR and Finance offices, room P5.66 and P5.58 are the first point of contact for visitors and can be found on the fifth floor of this building. There are two lifts in the Physics building, a passenger lift and a goods lift. The passenger lift access is accessible via the ground floor entrance (through the main reception area of the building) and from the Science concourse, and the goods lift is at the opposite end of the building (near the Physics stores area). The Physical Sciences building also has a passenger lift.

The Physics Department also occupies the Physical Sciences building, portions of the Materials and Analytical Sciences building and Millburn House. Specific directions to Millburn House are available.

Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms P5.21 (centrally timetabled) and P5.23 (locally timetabled) are both on the fifth floor of the Physics building.

Meeting room PS0.17 (locally timetabled) is on the ground floor of the Physical Sciences building, directly inside the main entrance of the building, and meeting room PS1.28 (centrally timetabled) is on the first floor of the Physical Sciences building.

Meeting rooms MAS2.03, MAS2.04, MAS2.05, and MAS2.06 (all locally timetabled) can be found on the second floor of the Materials and Analytical Sciences (MAS) building. These are best reached via the Science Concourse. Note that rooms beginning MS (e.g. MS.01) are located in the Zeeman (Maths) building.

More details regarding the meeting rooms and how to book them is also available. You can find any room on campus (and directions between them) on the University's interactive mapLink opens in a new window.


Toilets are available in all buildings. Those with wheelchair access are available on the first floor of the Physics building (main entrance end of the building) and at each end of the building on the third floor. In the Physical Sciences building there is a toilet with wheelchair access on the ground floor.

The nearest all-gender toilets can be found along the second-floor Engineering corridor or in the ground floor lobby of the LibraryLink opens in a new window. There are also all-gender toilets on each floor of the MAS building for those who work nearby (behind card-access doors). The Students' Union maintains a list of all gender-neutral toilets on campusLink opens in a new window.

Fire Safety

In the event of a fire alarm, the lifts will be disabled. If you are unable to leave the building via the stairs, you should wait at the nearest designated Refuge Point in one of the stairwells.

The Fire Services will be informed if anyone is waiting at a Refuge Point.


If you are arriving by car, then we recommend using car park 8.
From car park 8 the shortest route is to enter via the Science concourse. The Science concourse can be reached as follows from car park 8: cross University Road, and proceed up Library road until you reach the Chemistry department on the right-hand side. Climb the stairs to the second floor, and head along the Science concourse until you reach the Physics building. See hereLink opens in a new window for guided directions on the interactive map.

Accessible parking spaces are available nearby, at the rear of the Ramphal building and accessed from Library Road. See here for maps and information for blue badge holders.

For general information on car-parking on campus see:

If you require any further assistance for your visit to the department, please contact the Departmental Office on 024 765 23965 or email