Attending a Physics Day
Where can I find information about the meeting?
Information about specific meetings should normally be made available at your event's web page. See here for a list of current and past events. However, if the web page of the event does not yet exist, then the following information may also be useful.
Where does the meeting take place?
The workshops will start normally with registration at the University of Warwick. Note that the university is located on the outskirts of Coventry and not in Warwick. See for travel details and for maps of the central campus. If coming by car, parking is available for delegates at car park 15.
Mostly, Physics Days are held in rooms of the Physics Department. This is building 47 of the Warwick central campus.
Where will I be staying if I need to stay overnight?
If accommodation for invited speakers has been provided, it is likely that this will be via:
There are four different hotels which are administered by Warwick Conferences: see here for a listing.
University of Warwick
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)24 765 23965
Fax: +44 (0)24 7615 0897