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Workshop Materials

Practical Workshop on BPASS models (19th September, 10 registered participants)

Workshop will take place in PS0.17. Participants are asked to bring their own laptop, and encouraged to bring problems/examples of what they would like to achieve for the final session.

Provisional schedule:

10.00-11am Technical introduction to BPASS input physics, algorithms and outputs.

11am-11.30 Break

11.30-12.30 Tutorial exercises/practical session for participants

12.30-1.30pm Lunch

1.30-3pm “Hack-day” session working on participants’ own projects/objectives

3.00-3.30pm Feedback, Requests and wrapping things up.


The current default version of BPASS is v2.2.1, including binaries, with imf135_300: 

You'll need these files for the various tutorials we'll be looking at. They'll also be available on USB stick at the workshop.

It's also important to look at the associated manual:

The weblink for the BPASS python package Hoki (note: still in development and not yet generally released) is with documentation to be found at

Hoki is best installed from pip but a git clone will also be available on USB stick.

The technical introduction to BPASS presented at the workshop is available here.


There are five mini-tutorials which have been prepared by various team members using different files and programming languages.

1) A tutorial on ionizing photon flux using IDL as a programming language (creator: Elizabeth Stanway). See webpage here or IDL procedure file here.

2) A tutorial on dealing with the spectra/SED files using python (with Hoki, creator: Héloïse Stevance). You'll need to download the html here and open it in a local browser. You'll also need the data file from NED.

3) A tutorial on transient rates using python (with Hoki, creator: Héloise Stevance). See here.

4) A tutorial on BPASS HR diagrams using python (with Hoki, creator: Héloise Stevance). See here.

5) An example python script looking at supernova progenitors and the effects of varying their compositions on the HR diagram (creator: Ashley Chrimes). Uses the last line of every stellar model at z004 which is provided in this file to avoid you having to download the whole BPASS stellar model directory.