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A conversation on the interpretation of stellar populations in the high-redshift Universe

Thursday 29th August 2024

Organisers: Conor ByrneLink opens in a new window, Elizabeth StanwayLink opens in a new window, Gareth JonesLink opens in a new window, Ankur UpadhyayaLink opens in a new window (Warwick)


JWST is providing extraordinary insight into the conditions of the Universe in the first 2 billion years after the Big Bang. An accurate interpretation of these observations relies on theoretical models, which are calibrated based on conditions in the local Universe, which differ significantly. Thus, models are being pushed to their limits and extrapolated beyond them to understand the formation and evolution of the stellar populations in these distant, young galaxies. This introduces significant uncertainties into measurements, which need to be properly accounted for by observers and motivates theorists to develop and improve their models.

This meeting aims to facilitate discussion between observers and theorists about the uncertainties and outstanding questions in our understanding of high-redshift galaxies. Such discussions will inform the approach that should be taken to address them and strengthen ties between observers and theorists.


Registration for the event can be found here. NOTE: Registration for this event has passed. We will continue to accept late registrations while capacity and organisational constraints permit. If you plan to still register, please contact the organising committee first.

During the day, 5 minute flash talk slots are available. If you wish to present during a slot, please indicate this on your registration form along with a talk title. We endeavour to provide as many talk slots as possible but cannot guarantee one. We welcome talks from applicants at all career stages.

Lunch will be provided on the day as a cold finger buffet, served by Warwick conferences. We also have several coffee breaks, where tea, coffee and biscuits will be available.


The meeting will be held at the University of Warwick, located in the city of Coventry. It will be held inside Millburn House. For more details, please view the travel information page found here. Information on accommodation can be found here if required.


Outline for the schedule of the day is presented below. Note that the ordering of events is subject to change and will be confirmed once registration has closed.

Time Event
10:30 Arrival and coffee
11:00 Welcome and introductory talk - Conor Byrne

Session 1

Overview from an observational perspective - Andrew Bunker (University of Oxford)

Flash talks

Joris Witstok

Chris Conselice

Paul Crowther

Alex Cameron

Ankur Upadhyaya

Nathan Adams

Gareth T Jones

Discussion Time

13:00 Lunch

Session 2

Confronting theory and observations in the early Universe - Stephen Wilkins (University of Sussex)

Flash Talks

Sophie Newman

Siri Chongchitnan

Anne E Sansom

Elizabeth Stanway

Samuel Patrick

Conor Byrne

Discussion Time

15:40 Coffee break
16:00 Guided discussion on outstanding questions
17:20 Closing Remarks - Conor Byrne
17:30 Meeting end