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University of Warwick And Radio Five Live Create "GARI 2002" To Predict World Cup Games

Risk researchers at the University of Warwick have been commissioned by Radio Five to produce a statistical model designed to predict the odds of every individual match in the World Cup.
Thu 15 Jul 2004, 12:10 | Tags: Social Affairs, University Affairs and Events, Sport

Behaviour of Sports Stars is Evidence of the Original Amateur Basis of UK Sports Culture

A new book entitled Amateurism in Sport by University of Warwick researcher Lincoln Allison suggests that the valuable amateur ethos of UK sport may be dying but it has not been completely overwhelmed by professionalism and big business – in fact the recent poor behaviour of UK football stars shows strong signs of UK sport's amateur roots.
Fri 09 Jul 2004, 13:50 | Tags: Social Affairs, Sport

Black Hole Research Shows UK Football is 30 times More Boring Than Any Other Country's

Astrophysicists at the University of Warwick studying the extreme variability in X-rays emitted from matter falling into black holes, have discovered that their research methods also show that the world's top division football matches have an unusually large proportion of high scoring games – so much so that international football actually shows a pattern of "extreme events" similar to that seen in the large bursts of X-rays from the accretion discs of black holes. However, analysis of just English premier football league and cup games showed that English top division football is in fact 30 times less likely to have high scoring games than the rest of the world taken as a whole, and could thus be seen by some people as 30 times more boring.

Thu 08 Jul 2004, 11:09 | Tags: Sciences, Sport

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