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Press Releases

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Environmental research takes centre stage for 2021 Festival of Social Science

Warwick researchers will host a month-long series of free events as the university’s contribution to the 2021 ESRC Festival of Social Science. This year’s programme has a strong focus on environmental issues, reflecting the UK’s role as host of the COP26 conference.

Unemployment substantially increases domestic violence, new study finds

New research by an international team including Professor Sonia Bhalotra of Warwick Economics and CAGE finds a strong link between job loss and domestic violence. Men who lose their jobs are more likely to inflict domestic violence, while women who lose their jobs are more likely to become victims. The increases are upwards of 30%. The study discusses carefully designed unemployment benefits as a new approach to policy measures intended to protect women and girls.

Tue 05 Oct 2021, 11:12 | Tags: CAGE, Economics, Brazil, Faculty of Social Science, Latin America

Has COVID 19 undermined the rule of law? New research examines actions in the Western Balkans

The coronavirus pandemic has presented populist governments with a unique opportunity to implement authoritarian measures and to limit public scrutiny of their decisions and policies, argues Dr Andi Hoxhaj of Warwick Law School in a new paper published in the European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance.

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