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Fifty new planets confirmed in machine learning first

Fifty potential planets have had their existence confirmed by a new machine learning algorithm developed by University of Warwick scientists.

Tue 25 Aug 2020, 09:43 | Tags: Physics, Astrophysics, Statistics, AI, planet, Sciences

Warwick Academic helping to inform London's response to Covid-19 lockdown

Dr Theo Damoulas, associate Professor in Data Science at the University of Warwick and Deputy Programme Director for the Turing’s Data-centric Engineering programme is working with GLA, TfL, Microsoft and other Universities to help inform London's response to the Covid-19 lockdown in a project called "Odysseus", which aims to understand 'London's busyness'.

Fri 29 May 2020, 12:40 | Tags: Statistics, research, coronavirus, Sciences

Food prices after a hard Brexit could increase by £50 per week

A hard Brexit could result in a family of four seeing their food prices increase to up to £50.98 per week researchers at the University of Warwick have found. If we leave with a deal the increase could be as little as £5.80 per week, or £18.17.

Mon 09 Mar 2020, 11:10 | Tags: Food, Brexit, Statistics, UK, Sciences

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