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Press Releases

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New study provides insights into how retailers have responded to COVID-19

The study by WMG, University of Warwick and Blue Yonder examines how retailers have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure their survival. The

report highlights many points, particularly the need for human intervention as existing processes couldn’t keep up with changes in the market, going forward future systems will need to be more robust and responsive, to increase speed and agility in the supply chain

Mon 08 Jun 2020, 08:31 | Tags: supply chains, WMG, coronavirus, Sciences

Researchers support call to suspend debt service for indebted countries to free up resources to fight Covid-19

Dr Stephen Connelly and Dr Celine Tan, Co-Directors of the Centre for the Law, Regulation and Governance of the Global Economy (GLOBE Centre) at the Warwick Law School, are supporting civil society groups, led by Jubilee Debt Campaign UK and Oxfam GB, in proposing legislation in the UK that will have the effect of suspending debt owed to private creditors of countries eligible for the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI).

Fri 05 Jun 2020, 08:45 | Tags: development, coronavirus, IEL Collective, Law

Warwick Academic helping to inform London's response to Covid-19 lockdown

Dr Theo Damoulas, associate Professor in Data Science at the University of Warwick and Deputy Programme Director for the Turing’s Data-centric Engineering programme is working with GLA, TfL, Microsoft and other Universities to help inform London's response to the Covid-19 lockdown in a project called "Odysseus", which aims to understand 'London's busyness'.

Fri 29 May 2020, 12:40 | Tags: Statistics, research, coronavirus, Sciences

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