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Professor Akwugo Emejulu recognised with fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences

Warwick Professor of Sociology Dr Akwugo Emejulu has been recognised as one of the UK’s leading social scientists with the award of Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. Fellowships are awarded to academics who have not only made an outstanding contribution to research, but who have also applied their expertise to address current challenges in policy, education, society or the economy.

Fri 16 Oct 2020, 10:53 | Tags: Awards, sociology, society, Faculty of Social Science, feminism

Coventry lockdown arts project funded by universities now live

A showcase of work by Coventry artists, funded by the city’s universities and produced during lockdown, is now live for the public to view.

Tales of Treatment highlight the benefits of grassroots public engagement for researchers

An approach to public engagement which respects grass-roots and community knowledge has an important role to play in improving our understanding of the relationship between traditional healing and Western-style medicine in low and middle-income countries, and could generate new approaches to tackling antimicrobial resistance, according to a new paper published in Medical Humanities.

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