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Low wages not education to blame for skills gap

Low wages rather than inadequate training are to blame for the STEM skills gap, according to research from the University of Warwick.

Tue 08 Dec 2015, 10:47 | Tags: social sciences, CAGE, Employment, Education, Economics and Finance

Probability of low inflation in 2016 on the rise

The probability that UK inflation will stay at low levels through 2016 has increased after the second estimate for GDP growth released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) was added to the macroeconomic data published in the last three months, according to the Warwick Business Forecasting System (WBSFS). 

Mon 30 Nov 2015, 10:56 | Tags: WBS, Economics and Finance

Mid-life crisis: evidence that wellbeing hits a low point in your early 40s

Research by a University of Warwick academic suggests there is such as thing as a midlife crisis - but things pick up after 42.

Mon 23 Nov 2015, 13:12 | Tags: social sciences, research, Economics and Finance

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