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Press Releases

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Best practice for researching with child language learners explored in new book

The ethical practices, dilemmas and challenges of classroom research involving child language learners are the focus of a new book edited by Dr Annamaria Pinter of the University of Warwick and Dr Harry Kuchah of the University of Leeds. Ethical and Methodological Issues in Researching Young Language Learners in School Contexts offers a rich tapestry of insights from a selection of research projects around the world, in the hope of contributing to shaping research, teacher education and teaching practices in a positive way.

Teamwork in the Covid-19 Zone

A new video offering practical strategies to medical teams as they adapt to working in restrictive Level 3 PPE has been released today by the University of Warwick and the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust. The video is believed to be the first resource of its type and draws on empirical research between Sociolinguistics and Emergency Medicine studying the negotiation of leadership and teamwork in trauma settings.

New book explores how people build good relationships across cultural boundaries

In a new book launched this week, Professor Helen Spencer-Oatey of the University of Warwick Centre for Applied Linguistics and her co-author Professor Dániel Z. Kádár of the Hungarian Research Institute for Linguistics (NYTI) explore how people relate across cultural boundaries, a topic which is increasingly important in our interconnected world.

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