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Press Releases

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Minerva partners with Aston University and University of Birmingham Enterprise to launch new angel investor network for Birmingham

University of Warwick-based Minerva, one of the UK’s largest traditional angel investor networks, has teamed up with Aston University and University of Birmingham Enterprise to expand the funding opportunities available to start-up businesses in the West Midlands by launching a network of ‘business angels with insight’ for Birmingham.

VirionHealth Receives up to $4.2m from DARPA

University of Warwick spin-out company, VirionHealth - a new biotechnology company developing novel therapeutics for respiratory viral infections, today announced that it has won non-dilutive funding worth up to $4.2 million from the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Wed 03 Jan 2018, 08:22 | Tags: Warwick Ventures, School of Life Sciences

Warwick graduate invents revolutionary device for testing drugs

A scientist and University of Warwick gradute from Kazakhstan who works for Medherant Ltd - a spin-out of the University of Warwick which produces next-generation drug delivery patches - has invented a revolutionary device for testing transdermal drugs more quickly, efficiently and accurately.

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