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Press Releases

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EUTOPIA takes major step towards integration with new mobility agreement

This week, a mobility agreement was signed between EUTOPIA's six founding universities: the University of Warwick, Pompeu Fabra University, CY Cergy Paris University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Gothenburg, and Univerza v Ljubljani.

Minerva Business Angels makes its 100th investment

Minerva Business Angels, part of the University of Warwick Science Park, has made its 100th investment. Minerva works with scale-ups, start-up businesses and spin-out companies. The landmark investment has been made in support of Skyfarer, a drone logistics operator which is conducting ground-breaking trials to deliver medical supplies between hospitals in the West Midlands this summer.

Calls for Coventry artists to collaborate in a second Coventry Creates project

ยท The University of Warwick and Coventry University have launched a second joint project to fund local artists to work in collaboration with academics and local arts organisations

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