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Press Releases

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New research addresses mental health crisis in the construction industry

New research is tackling the mental health crisis in the construction industry – highlighting the benefits of an on-site Health Hub on worker wellbeing.

Tue 18 Jul 2023, 14:18 | Tags: Health, medicine, mental health, WMS, depression, Sciences, Health and Medicine

University of Warwick spin out company to develop world’s only testosterone patch for menopause

A company born out of ground-breaking research at The University of Warwick has raised almost £3 million of to develop a testosterone patch for people suffering from low libido and reduced zest for life due to the menopause.

Most young people who leave CAMHS do not see a worsening of symptoms

Most young people who stop using childhood and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) after reaching the upper age limit of CAMHS do not see a decline in their symptoms, research has found.

Fri 18 Nov 2022, 09:18 | Tags: research, psychology, mental health, Warwick Medical School

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