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Press Releases

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Additive manufacturing supply chains to be protected from cyber-attacks in light of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted just how vulnerable UK manufacturing supply chains are, as there was an increase in the volume of cyber-enabled attacks on cyber-physical systems. There is therefore an urgent need to develop technologies and methods to support disruption-resilient manufacturing.

Wed 07 Jul 2021, 10:39 | Tags: manufacturing, supply chains, WMG, COVID-19, Sciences

Digital supply chain visibility needed to rebuild after COVID-19: WMG and Blue Yonder warn manufacturers

Manufacturers must unlock supply chain visibility to rebuild after the COVID-19 pandemic, WMG and Blue Yonder are warning as a result of WMG research conducted with almost 250 manufacturing companies revealing that lack of visibility and workforce issues are creating the biggest supply chain bottlenecks.

Thu 04 Mar 2021, 09:37 | Tags: supply chains, WMG, COVID-19, Sciences

The three key actions to secure supply chain resilience after Brexit and COVID

Brexit and COVID were two major disruptions to manufacturers’ supply chains, however, a consortium of academic and industry partners including WMG, University of Warwick has identified key ways to build supply chain resilience.

Tue 23 Feb 2021, 10:59 | Tags: supply chains, WMG, Business, Sciences

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